The Cadicle Universe is growing again, and I'm excited to introduce my next co-author! Jon Frater is an experienced sci-fi author in his own right, and I'm thrilled to have him as part of the extended Cadicle family. Get to know Jon in a short interview below!
So, Jon, when did you first develop an interest in writing?
Jon: In second grade, I did a book report on Have Space Suit, Will Travel by Robert Heinlein and was hooked on sci-fi. I used to watch episodes of Star Trek and Space: 1999 and write my own stories based on my understanding of those shows. That led to English Lit which led to Journalism which led to teaching English which led to Librarianship. I’ve basically been working with books my whole life.
What aspect of the Cadicle universe are you looking forward to exploring?
Jon: I love the fact that the Taran Empire’s ruling class doesn’t seem to be very effective at ruling. There are so many stories to be told about regular people who are trying to figure out their lives in the face of regional conflicts and galactic upheaval. In our current project, the main characters could be the good guys or the villains, depending on your point of view.
Do you have any books already published?
Jon: Yes! I have two space opera/mil-fic series with Aethon Books (Battle Ring Earth, Crisis of Command) and I’ve done another space opera series under Nick Webb’s Legends of Legacy universe. Readers can take a look at my full catalog by visiting
What are some of your other fandoms and interests, books or otherwise?
Jon: I’m a compulsive reader so everything! I follow science news and current events pretty closely. I mentioned Star Trek before, if you watch ST:Lower Decks, you have a good idea of where I like to take my writing. I need to get into the cracks and see how universes work behind the scenes, then add my own twists and turns. RPGs have been a big part of my life, so I’m planning a Lower Decks campaign for my local gaming group.
The first book in Jon's Renegade Imperium series will be launching in the next few months, so be on the lookout for more info!